Bungee Jumping in Rishikesh: 60 secs of insane courage

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Bungee Jumping in Rishikesh at Jumpin Heights proved to be more exciting and scarier than I had envisioned it to be. It was a special occasion as India’s First Extreme Adventure Zone and India’s Highest Bungee Jumping Platform was successfully completing 50, 000 Bungee Jumps. To mark this success, a gala event was organised that witnessed participation from over hundred jumpers, locals, and the ‘Dangal girls’Fatima Shaikh and Sanya Malhotra. Here’s my experience of being taken over by fear and ultimately winning over it.


No…No…No…No…I can’t.

Please pull me back. I don’t think I am ready. I need more time to compose myself.

The culprit was my overthinking. I had breached the golden rule of Extreme AdventureKeep your mind at home. I had forgotten that if you can’t do something, you must give it a try. After all, if you don’t win over your fear, the fear will win over you. And there can’t be anything worse than giving up without trying.

Rodolphe Vincent, the head safety instructor at Jumpin Heights, echoed my sentiments,

You are thinking too much. Just jump. The more time you take more difficult it will become.

And it wasn’t just me who was scared. Gaurav who had bungee-jumped a few years ago couldn’t do it again too. So, the theory of becoming less scared with more adventure might not be entirely correct. The best remedy to get over a fear is to not give it enough time in your mind to spread its wings.



No. Although I didn’t bungee jump the first time I didn’t give up. I tried. I failed. I tried again. And I succeeded. I felt incredible after the jump and cursed myself for letting fear have an edge over me for a brief moment. My fear was completely unwarranted. The jump was completely safe. It refreshed me while the uphill trek (after the jump) to the restaurant drained me out.

At the restaurant, I met Niharika Nigam, the Director –Business Development at Jumpin Heights. During our conversation, she narrated a thrilling story of mental strength and resilience. On May 2, 2010, when she turned 19, she attempted the maiden jump at Jumpin heights or quasi-suicide as her mother called it that time. Her mother was terribly scared and wouldn’t let her jump at any cost but Niharika was determined to lead from the front and demonstrate to the world how safe Bungee Jumping was. So, sneaking out of her mother’s radar she quietly performed the jump.

Niharika Singh, the first bungee jumper at Jumpin Heights, Rishikesh

Niharika Singh, the first bungee jumper at Jumpin Heights, Rishikesh

From that maiden jump to completing 50,000 jumps, Jumpin Heights has come a long way.

Us reaching 50k Bungee Jumps, which internationally is a huge number in Bungee Jumping, is a testimony to the fact that it is gaining immense popularity in India. I remember when we started people would ask weird questions because they had not heard of this sport. And today, we are the #1 attraction on ‘Things to Do’ in Rishikesh on Trip Advisor.


My heart was throbbing rapidly and my hands were shaking. Even the harness snugged around my hips and over the shoulders and the pep talk by the jump instructor couldn’t scare away my fears. Safety checks were performed, my weight and jump number marked on my hand were checked to balance the weight on the harness. With both legs bound together, I started walking like a penguin towards the ledge.

My heart was throbbing rapidly and my hands were shaking. Even the harness snugged around my hips and over the shoulders and the pep talk by the jump instructor couldn’t scare away my fears. Safety checks were performed, my weight and jump number marked on my hand were checked to balance the weight on the harness. With both legs bound together, I started walking like a penguin towards the ledge.

Harnessed for the Bungee Jumping Harnessed for the Bungee Jumping

My feet were on the edge of the ledge and the crew was holding my harness at my back. Neither pushing nor pulling. The jump instructor gave the final set of instructions and started the countdown. 1…2…3…3…Jump! My heart was pumping incessantly. I wanted to turn back but I didn’t. Without wasting a second more I looked at the yellow signboard at the far end of the road, stretched my arms out, leaned forward and bang I JUMPED!

My feet were on the edge of the ledge and the crew was holding my harness at my back. Neither pushing nor pulling. The jump instructor gave the final set of instructions and started the countdown. 1…2…3…3…Jump! My heart was pumping incessantly. I wanted to turn back but I didn’t. Without wasting a second more I looked at the yellow signboard at the far end of the road, stretched my arms out, leaned forward and bang I JUMPED!

After almost a minute of adrenaline pumping, my jump was over. Alas! All good things last for a less time. Finally, two people waiting near the river pulled me down to a deck. My harness was removed, a water bottle was given and I was awarded the badge saying, ‘I have guts’. Yes, I had done it. I had won my fear. There’s no better feeling than winning over your fear. I wish my words could do justice to that feeling.


Bungee Jumping Free Fall after taking the leap of faithBungee Jumping Free Fall after taking the leap of faith

  1. Lead, don’t follow

    Your fear doesn’t leave you if just watch others take the plunge. Go take the leap of faith. The longer you wait to take the leap, the more time you spend making excuses and convincing yourself to back out.

  2. 1, 2, 3…Jump 

    Jump before 3. If you let the person count until jump, chances are you won’t jump on the first count.

  3. Don’t look down 

    That was the mistake I made. It looks damn scary from the top. Just look at the eye level and perform the jump

  4. Choose your surroundings carefully 

    Bungee jumping is about your whole experience, not just the leap. So, choose a brand that is trusted, has well-trained staff and is set in a calming environment.

  5. Trust the jump instructors 

    Jump Instructors go through a long, in-depth international training schedule to become a qualified Instructor. You can trust them with your life.

  6. Wear comfortable clothes

    Wear anything you’re comfortable in – T-shirts, shorts, pants! Avoid wearing a skirt, dress or high heels. You can bungee jump either barefoot or with shoes. Just ensure to tie the laces well.

  7. Don’t eat too much before the jump

    It’s advisable to not jump with a stomach full as you might puke while jumping won’t be a good sight to look at.

  8. Look into the camera and smile

    After the jump, you would want to brag about your adventure to your friends so don’t look scared (even if you are). Take the plunge with a happy face.

  9. Don’t carry your valuables

    You are not allowed to carry a mobile, camera, jewelry or anything else. So, don’t carry them along when you jump.

  10. Read carefully before signing the form 

    Don’t jump if you have any chronic disorders like heart problem, backache etc. mentioned in the list


Age: Minimum 12 yrs
Weight: Minimum 35 kgs and Maximum 120 kgs
Reporting Time: 9 AM and average time to complete the activity is 3 to 4 hrs depending on availability
Weekly off: Tuesday Closed
Bungy Location: Mohanchatti (25 km from Rishikesh)

For more details: visit Jumping Heights website or sent an email to contact@jumpingheights.com


Entry Ticket: 100 / person

Bungee Jumping: 3500 / person

Giant Swing: 3500 / person

Flying Fox (if done alone): 3000 / person

Flying Fox (3 persons in tandem): 1700 / person

Local Transfers from Tapovan to Bungy Station (to / fro): 300 / person extra.

Charges for Video (DVD) of the Activity, if required will be extra.

So have you ever done Bungee jumping or tried any other adventure sport? Here is some adventure inspiration for you and some Offbeat Adventure Activities that you have not heard before.

Print Coverage

This abridged version of story was published in two publications

  1. Travel 3 Sixty (Air Asia in-flight magazine): Take the Plunge 
  2. DB Post:  60 seconds of insane courage

I was invited by Jumpin Heights to be a part of their gala celebration. All the views expressed and pictures clicked are mines.


  • Katie says:

    A really great blog about conquering your fear! One day I will bungee and conquer my fear too! One step at a time! We did the sky walk around the Macau tower and that required a lot of conquering haha – I am awful at heights! One conquer at a time! 🙂

    • Hey Katie,

      Thanks a lot for your comment. I knew there would be people like me who would get scared but still want to win over their fear that’s why I decided to write about it. I am glad you liked it. And Sky Walk around Macau Tower is pretty scary in itself. Kudos for you to doing it. Next time you can target Bungy jumping 🙂

  • Ivy says:

    Quasi-suicide haha I’m thinking the same thing as Niharika’s mom. 50,000 jumps?!?! That’s insane! I can’t even do ONE lol, let alone that many! I’m scared of heights so much that I said to myself I’d never attempt it. Much respect to those that have conquered their fear.

    • Hey Ivy,

      50000 jumps is a pretty big achievement. Especially, in india where the extreme adventure concept was alien itself.

      Most people have acrophobia but actually it’s pretty fun thing to do. very safe. Do give it a try. Just don’t look down 😛

  • Judy says:

    Wow, you’re absolutely right about how all these extreme sports are about conquering your fear and not always about just the adrenaline rush! Very good take on this extreme adventure that I haven’t thought about in a long time. But I doubt I’d still want to 😂

  • Oh boy I love bungee jumping, I would be all over this. How high is it? No worries you wussed out the first time, I couldn’t do it when they counted down from 3,2,1 either… I had to do it in my own time. I think it’s important to do it on your own terms as it’s so scary!

    I’ve been addicted ever since the first time, I even went to Macau to do the highest one. Also the Nevis bungy in NZ is phenomenal. I wonder if you’ll be hooked, too! 🙂

  • Only By Land says:

    I had one bungee jump in my life, off the Macau Tower. I can imagine how the fear took ahold of you and you explained it well. The 10 points you give on how to bungee jump are perfect, but could they be remembered whilst you’re in the line to jump? The NZ team are what would give me the most confidence!

    • WOW! Macau must have been fun to do. Thanks for liking what I wrote. I agree having a knowledgeable and well trained staff is the most important thing that keeps you the maximum boost of confidence.

    • Parveen Kumar says:

      I still fearful regarding bungee jumping. But you have done. Great work

  • You have written brilliant tips although I am not going to do bunjee jumping anytime soon. You were so brave for doing this. I would be eager if my friends would be doing this also.

  • Carlinn says:

    You are definitely very brave! I was supposed to jump in Costa Rica once but I totally chickened out and I am forever regretting it! I try and challenge myself more these days though. I always try and go first otherwise nerves get the better of me!

    • Hey Carlinn,

      Thanks for the kind words. I understand what you would have felt after not doing it in Costa Rica. Would have been an awesome experience, if you would have done it. Hope you get to do it soon.


  • Bhushavali says:

    OMG!!!! That’s just wow!!! I haven’t done bungee jumping yet but I have to do it!!! Rishikesh is a good place to begin with I guess.. Niharika herself is such a young lady and to start such a venture itself is an adventure!

  • Laura says:

    Oh my god! I would like to bungee jump one day, but I have a serious case of vertigo, and as long as I haven’t conquered that fear, I don’t feel up for it! What an awesome series of pictures by the way!

    • Hi Laura,

      Thanks a lot for your comment. It surely was scary as hell but the instructor and team at Jumpin Heights were very good. It was because of them I could take the plunge.

      And hope you do win over your fear. Maybe Rishikesh is the right place to do that 🙂

  • Awesome & congrats!! I’ve never tried bungee jumping before but would love to. I love heights and actually love that falling feeling you get from going up and down – though I’ve never tried free falling before. I totally agree with your tip #1 – whenever I do something like this I always volunteer to go first because oftentimes ignorance is bliss!

    • Hi Diana,

      Thanks a lot for sharing your comment. much appreciated.

      Since you love heights you should absolutely do bungee jumping. But make sure you do it with the right people. That’s most important.

  • Arzo Travels says:

    I would not say I am a chicken but I think, I would not jump. So proud of you that you still jumped despite your fears, and good you did it. Though I can understand that the first time might not be as scary I hope you´ll do many more great jumps (even with an initial fear 🙂

    • Hi there,

      Thanks for your encouraging words. I really had a great time and I would recommend bungee jump to everyone. It gives you a different kind of high.

      • Archana Sahay says:

        I enjoyed reading your experience. This is written so well that once I felt like I was the one who is jumping. Great girl👍🏻

  • Nathan says:

    You’re braver than I am! I cannot ever see myself bungee jumping. I do scuba diving and that’s the most adventurous sport I ever care to do. Good on you though!

    • Hey Nathan,

      Trust me all it takes is just a moment for the leap of faith and then the feeling takes over. It’s an incredible feeling. But things can go horribly wrong if you are not doing it at the right place with the right team. I am glad I chose the best 🙂

  • I have acrophobia! I will never do bungee jumping…hats off to those who do! I love the adrenalin rush…and the peace that I get when I SCUBA dive…Kudos to you for bungee jumping!

    • Hi there,

      I hear you but trust me it isn’t as scary as it appears to be. And the feeling you get after the fall is too good to be expressed in words.

  • Deni says:

    I’m surprised that you were more scared of bungee jumping for the upteenth time compared to your first time jumping! I’ve never bungee jumped before, but I can definitely imagine the fear of jumping into the unknown. I really appreciated your vivid descriptions of how you felt and what it was like once you had leapt off the plaform. It really put me in your shoes and this post may have actually convinced me to put bungee jumping on my bucket list! Great post!

    • Hi Deni,

      I am so glad you liked the post and it motivated you to give bungee jumping a try.

      Actually what happens is, when you jump for the first time you don’t know what’s gonna happen. So it’s easy to take the plunge. but next time you know the queasy feeling you get in your stomach and I did the mistake of looking down. That was a deal breaker. I shouldn’t have done that.

      Rest it was great fun to bungee jump again 🙂

  • Sheila says:

    omg what an incredible experience!! I’ve been thinking about doing bungee jumping for a long time but I haven’t yet, looks a bit scary! But I’ll do it one day for sure! Thanks for sharing with us 😉

  • I got an invite for the same but I did not really have the stomach for this. He he…
    I appreciate you for trying it out. This is something I don’t think I will be able to do anytime soon.

  • Riely says:

    As I am reading this, I can feel my gut turn and get that tingling feeling in my body just at the thought of free falling. I am not one to be known as conquering their height fears. But I have learned to accept to not force something that is just not enjoyable to me. It’s ok to not feel thrilled at the prospect of throwing yourself off a ledge into the open space. But I feel extremely proud of those who can.

    • Hey Riely,

      I can totally understand your point of view. Extreme sports is not for everyone but trust me there’s different kind of thrill you get doing it.

      I love that feeling.

  • Kunal says:

    Unbelievable blog !! get a great experience of bungee jumping and incredible writing for the blog. thank so much archana ji for your all efforts

  • OMG, what a dynamic heart, really amazing
    You really rock
    Thanks for the article

  • Christine says:

    whoa! I looked at that video of you jumping and i thought i’d never do that.. I have had this desire to bungee jump but each new day that comes, i develop cold feet…Great blog girl, keep up!

  • Tweety says:

    Wow! You are crazy cool!! I’ve skydived, but too scared to bungee as i have to jump on my own. Nice blog! 😁

  • Great, that is awesome, its really daring jump and you shared amazing information about it and amazing photos you shared.

  • Amazing thing you have just discussed with us thanks for sharing this post glad to read it.

  • Natasha says:

    You are so so brave, no matter what time it is. I am sure the first time would be worst for me… but maybe not. Well done anyway for your amazing jumps

  • Lisa says:

    Well done for doing this, you do look nervous in your photos! I don’t think I’m brave enough, my heart would fail halfway through the jump! Those are good tips you give, especially not eating before! I can imagine it wouldn’t be a pretty sight!

    • Hey Lisa,

      Thanks a lot for your comment. As you could see i was pretty nervous but trust me if I could do it anyone can do it. It’s not as scary as it seems to be. Give it a try 🙂

  • Maria says:

    Great article, I like the way tou write!

  • Anushtup Haldar says:

    Some very pertinent advice. Nice and useful read. Have a wish to do bungee jumping for a long time. Hope it’ll happen some day.

  • Wow! What an awesome experience! I haven’t done bungee jumping yet, maybe sometime in the near future. Will keep your 10 tips in mind. Thank you!

  • Ryan Biddulph says:

    Ahhh! Archana you are a brave soul, my friend! Horrifying for me but I do get diving into your fears too. Last week I walked on a bouncy swing bridge high up from the ground in New Zealand. The height scared me but the bouncy-ness made me sick to my stomach. Saw it through though. Gotta dive into your fears. Rocking post my friend. Keep on inspiring!


  • Medha Verma says:

    I love your description of your bungee jump because I can totally relate to it! My first bungee jump was EXACTLY the same, when they said 1..2..3 jump, I could NOT and I just stood there, paralyzed with fear. I had imagined this moment a thousand times before actually attempting it, and I had thought I’d be a lot more brave than I actually ended up being. The camera has the moment captured and it’s always going to be a reminder to me, of how I panicked the first time. But it will also remind me that despite the immense amount of fear that gripped me at the moment, I WENT FOR IT! I faced my fear and jumped and the exhilaration was totally indescribably. Your tips are very valuable – especially of jumping before the count of 3 and not looking down. Also, not eating anything heavy before the jump and wearing comfortable clothes.

  • Mary says:

    If you’re traveling to Rishikesh on a budget, it’s definitely possible as there are plenty of free things to do here

  • Namita Kamboj says:

    ooh! it’s very chilling for me. How anybody can do it just for fun? Everybody has his own priority. Good Luck.

  • Shashank says:

    Great post. I have been at Rishikesh many times but never get the chance to do bungee jumping due to my tight schedule at work. Hopefully, I will participate in this thrilling activity by next year. Thanks for sharing your experience!

  • Shivani says:

    Awesome work.Just wanted to drop a comment and say I am new to your blog and really like what I am reading.Thanks for the share

  • Jacky Bhagat says:

    This is the first time I am reading a post from you and I am really amazed and motivated by your travel stories. It refreshes the beautiful memories of my bungee experiences at Jumping heights. I am looking forward to reading more from you.

  • Fiona Manoon says:

    I applaud you for trying. I don’t think I can be able to do. Loved your pictures. Your blog is wonderful.

  • Abhishek Saraswat says:

    Bungee Jumping in itself is a crazy experience and the way you described it so well, makes it even better.

  • Hotel Sagar - Best hotel in Beas says:

    Nice blog, It’s really informative post. keep it up…
    Thanks for sharing

  • maninder singh says:

    Bungee jumping is a good experience for thrill

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